MESSAGE FROM THE CREATOR: The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, The Creator and Sovereign LORD of The Universe, commanded His Servant and Messenger on the 28th of December 1997 to declare and warn the United States and the world as follows: That homosexuality is bringing curse on the land (world) and that God is extremely angry over the teaching of homosexuality to innocent school children and that if the teaching, validation and promotion of homosexuality in schools is not stopped, God’s Wrath will fall on the United States and all other countries that allowed homosexuality to flourish!!!


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Transhumanism is an utterly Satanic Agenda being implemented by the utterly evil self-appointed Global Elite under the auspices of the World Economic Forum that has infiltrated and taken control of the corrupt Oligarchic Consortium of the governments of the nations of the world, the United Nations, World Health Organization, Mass Media, Big Corporations, Big Pharma, Big Tech Companies and Social Media Platforms to impose their utterly tyrannical worldwide Regime of the Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast to viciously and ruthlessly persecute the people of the world (Children of God) who choose to obey and worship God and refuse to compromise their faith to reject God and follow and worship the Devil!!! The World Economic Forum contrived the Coronavirus Pandemic by adding an extremely pathogenic and cytotoxic Synthetic Spike Protein, in a Gain of Function Research, to transform a preexisting hitherto harmless and non-human-transmissible Coronavirus to become transmissible to humans with  subsequent potentiation to be able to cause thrombosis (blood clots) in human lungs and thus become very lethal to humans; with the premeditated humanicidal goal of decimating and exterminating the global human population!!! They then used their man-made Coronavirus Pandemic as a pretext to launch their pre-planned extremely harmful and deadly bio-genetically engineered Messenger RNA COVID Vaccines and force everyone in the world to take the Vaccines by their Global COVID Vaccine Mandate, in fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy, to establish and implement the continually anticipated, extremely dreaded, apocalyptic and utterly tyrannical Worldwide Regime of the Anti-Christ and the Mark of the Beast to viciously and ruthlessly persecute the people of the world (Children of God) who choose to obey and worship God and refuse to compromise their faith to reject God and follow and worship the Devil!!! The World Economic Forum has executed a Global Coup against God and Humanity and has essentially coopted the governments of the nations of the world and established an Anti-God One World Government by which they have imposed their Totalitarian Global COVID Vaccine Mandate that denies everyone in the world their rights to employment, education, healthcare, travel and participation in socioeconomic activities to buy or sell any goods, food or services unless they are vaccinated (they have the Mark of the Beast)!!!


Interestingly and ironically, data from around the world shows that the new Omicron variant of COVID-19 infects fully vaccinated people predominantly and overwhelming! In other words, vaccinated people have a far greater (up to tenfold) risk of getting infected with the Omicron variant of COVID-19 than unvaccinated people!! This clearly demonstrates that the COVID-19 Pandemic has become the Pandemic of the Vaccinated and eviscerates the brazen and outrageous lie being spewed by the Liars-In-Chief that it is the Pandemic of the Unvaccinated!!


Given that it is universally established science that the COVID Vaccines neither protect vaccinated people from contracting COVID-19 nor prevent them from transmitting the Coronavirus to others (whether vaccinated or unvaccinated),  COVID Vaccine Mandate is utterly anti-science, anti-medicine, anti-healthcare, anti-human, anti-freedom, tyrannical, illogical, nonsensical, insane, evil and satanic; especially in the face of proven safe and effective alternative treatments for COVID-19 and the high survivability rate of about 99.7% for COVID-19; in the context of the fact that the COVID Vaccines have been proven incontrovertibly to have unacceptable very harmful and lethal effects!!!


There is therefore absolutely no legitimate scientific, medical, epidemiological or public health basis or benefit to mandate the COVID Vaccines!!!


The mandating of the utterly ineffective, harmful and deadly experimental Messenger RNA Vaccines on the defenseless general public with concomitant guarantee of absolute indemnity for the manufacturers against liability for any and all injuries and deaths the vaccines may cause, along with the extremely concerted and high-handed suppression of the availability and use of very safe, effective and affordable life-saving therapeutics like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin in order to corruptly promote Big Pharma’s very harmful and often deadly COVID Vaccines that has caused millions of otherwise avoidable COVID-19 deaths, is proof of the existence of an unconscionable Grand Criminal Humanicidal Conspiracy by the culpable self-anointed Global Elite to decimate and exterminate the global human population!!!


If the COVID Vaccine is effective in protecting vaccinated people against contracting the coronavirus, why then must the vaccinated people be protected from the unvaccinated people who may or may not have the coronavirus??!! If doubly and triply vaccinated people are contracting COVID-19 and dying from it as well as from the COVID Vaccine, why would any rational or well-meaning government mandate the COVID Vaccine given the impressively high survivability rate of about 99.7% for COVID-19??!! If doubly and triply vaccinated people are contracting COVID-19 and dying from it as well as from the COVID Vaccine, why would any rational person agree to be inoculated with the COVID Vaccine when he has an impressively high 99.7% probability of surviving COVID-19, more so when very safe, effective and affordable alternative treatments exist??!!


The fact that doubly and triply vaccinated people are contracting COVID-19 and dying from it is indisputable proof that the COVID Vaccines are grossly ineffective! In this scenario, common sense should compel the governmental authorities and the general public to reject and stop the COVID Vaccination Policy and Program immediately and employ proven safe and effective alternative COVID treatments such as Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Quercetin, Zinc and Vitamin D to control the pandemic!!! The insistence upon inoculating all the population with frequent and never-ending booster doses of the demonstrably grossly ineffective COVID Vaccines, in egregious violation of the people’s inalienable God-given, constitutionally guaranteed and internationally recognized fundamental human rights to medical freedom and informed consent, is extremely foolhardy and counterproductive and is patently motivated by a palpably sinister agenda!!!




The toxicity and lethality of the human gene-editing and gene-perverting Messenger RNA COVID Vaccines was confirmed to me by God in Divine Revelation I received from him in the early hours of the 11th of September 2021. In the vision, the proponents of the COVID Vaccine Mandate taunted unvaccinated people claiming that they (the unvaccinated people) faced an inevitable serious danger of dying out within a few years!! However, God revealed to me then that the Coronavirus does not pose such peculiar danger to the unvaccinated but rather that the COVID-vaccinated people were the ones at risk of shortened lifespans on account of the detrimental and lethal effects of the COVID Vaccines on their health (bodies)!!! By this Divine Revelation, The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY categorically repudiates the COVID Vaccine Propaganda of Pope Francis and the self-appointed Global Elite!!!




Mankind has degenerated to a state whereby Truth is persecuted and God is hated viciously and opposed vehemently; whereby wrong has become right and right has become wrong; whereby evil has become good and good has become evil; whereby darkness has become light and light has become darkness; whereby bitter is called sweet and sweet is called bitter; whereby lie has become truth and truth has become lie; whereby dishonesty has become honesty and honesty has become dishonesty; whereby injustice has become justice and justice has become injustice; whereby hate has become love and love has become hate; whereby traitors and fraudsters are hailed as patriots while the true patriots are persecuted as traitors and villains; whereby brazen electoral fraud is celebrated while election integrity and the electoral will of the people are brazenly subverted, prohibited and criminalized; whereby election losers are declared winners and the election winners are declared losers; whereby unrighteousness has become righteousness and righteousness has become unrighteousness and is thus condemned as intolerance; whereby abnormality has become normality and normality has become abnormality; whereby immorality has become morality and morality has become immorality; whereby foolishness has become wisdom and wisdom has become foolishness; whereby disobedience has become obedience and obedience has become disobedience; whereby rebellion is glorified as freedom while our inalienable God-given and constitutionally protected fundamental human rights and freedoms are brazenly subverted and criminalized; whereby science has become subjective and basic objective facts have been jettisoned with the embrace and perpetuation of grossly and patently false propaganda; whereby delusion has become reality and reality has become delusion; whereby perversion has become the norm and the norm has become perversion; whereby women become men and men become women; whereby circumcision is called genital mutilation while castration and irreversible demasculinizing genital amputation of hapless indoctrinated boys and defeminization, including gross genital mutilation and mastectomy, of hapless indoctrinated girls are euphemistically celebrated as gender reassignment surgeries; whereby human dignity is subverted and the true essence of humanity is bastardized, as perversions and abominations are acclaimed and imposed on society as inevitable and mandatory “moral” progress!!! This is pure TYRANNY OF SATANISM, which, being engendered by Satan, is the ultimate unyielding, unrepentant and reprobate ABSOLUTE REBELLION AGAINST GOD!!!


The policy of making unnatural genetically engineered vaccines mandatory is an intentional effort to accelerate and actualize the Transhumanism1 Agenda being pursued with satanic zeal by the self-appointed Global Elite. Transhumanism is a scientific, social and philosophical movement devoted to promoting the research and development of robust human-enhancement technologies that would augment or increase human sensory reception (perception), emotive ability, or cognitive capacity as well as radically improve human health and extend human life spans. Transhumanism2 is a way of thinking about the future that is based on the premise that the human species in its current form does not represent the end of our development but rather a comparatively early phase. Transhumanism is an utterly delusional movement or agenda that seeks to transform and transition humans from their God-created and established natural state into a posthuman state. In essence, the Transhumanists want (seek) to pervert and destroy humans as created by God and create a new breed of perverted and corrupted posthuman species! The Transhumanists zealously seek to subjugate humanity electronically and convert all humans into dispensable robotic economic assets via Artificial Intelligence and perverse bioengineering of the human genome by means of forcibly injected or implanted Body-Computer-Interfaces!! Their well-known mantra is: “You will own nothing and will be happy”! This means humans will own nothing while they, the self-appointed Transhumanist Global Elite, will own and control everything in the world!! What Brazen Unmitigated Greed, Selfishness, Wickedness, Arrogance, Tyranny and Satanism!!! Imagine that one of the goals of Transhumanism is to alter and pervert the emotive ability (emotions) of humans!! The goal of Transhumanism is essentially the SATANIC USURPATION OF DIVINE JURISDICTION, which belongs exclusively to THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, our Creator!!


As the heavens are infinitely higher than the earth so is God’s authority infinitely higher than mankind’s authority. Creation and all creatures are subordinate and subject to their Creator in every ramification. Mankind, the crown jewel of Creation, is subordinate and subject to their Creator (God) in every ramification. It is the Creator, not the Creation or Creatures, that determines what is right or wrong for the Creation or Creatures. It is therefore satanic arrogance and unpardonable Cosmic Treasonable Felony for mankind (the Creatures) to oppose and contradict God (The Creator) and declare as right what God has declared to be wrong, declare as good what God has declared to be evil, or declare as acceptable what God has determined and declared to be utterly abominable and unacceptable! Mankind should not arrogate to themselves the Jurisdiction of God. Mankind must not encroach on or usurp Divine Jurisdiction!!!


Let mankind understand that Satan is the Ultimate Dog in the Manger! As a consequence of Satan’s rebellion against God, he has permanently lost out regarding the privilege to be in God’s glorious presence and kingdom and he has permanently forfeited the privilege and opportunity to enjoy perfect peace and perfect joy that the Glory of God gives to those in His presence!!! In his utter annoyance, jealousy and wickedness, Satan is doing everything he can to deceive mankind to also rebel against God so that, like him and the other fallen angels, mankind will also forfeit their place in the superlatively glorious Kingdom of God and be consigned to utter ignominy and agony under God’s righteous judgement! It is only by our folly and stupendous stupidity that we allow ourselves to be deceived by Satan and also become Satan’s agents of Mass Deception and Humanicide!!!




By this video, the World Economic Forum has shamelessly and arrogantly confessed to the world their UTTERLY HEINOUS, UNCONSCIONABLE AND UNSPEAKABLE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!!! In the video, Dr. Yuval Noah Harari categorically and irrefutably confesses, attests and confirms that the Transhumanist Agenda has already developed and implemented the technological capability and capacity to hack and control all humans electronically through Artificial Intelligence and perverse bioengineering of the human genome by means of forcibly injected or implanted Body-Computer-Interfaces and rob humanity of our personhood, freewill, human dignity and all our inalienable God-given fundamental human rights and freedoms!!! Jesus Christ, The Son of God and The Lord and Saviour of the World, warned us that: “By your own words you will be acquitted and by your own words you will be condemned”. By their own words in the video, the World Economic Forum has unequivocally condemned themselves as UNDENIABLY GUILTY AND INESCAPABLY CULPABLE AND LIABLE FOR THE GREATEST, UNTHINKABLE AND UNSPEAKABLY HEINOUS CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!!!


The perpetrators of this utterly heinous and unconscionable crimes against humanity must be rejected and renounced in the strongest terms and immediately barred from public service and arrested, tried and punished commensurately for their unspeakable crimes against humanity. The perpetrators of this utterly heinous and unconscionable crimes against humanity must be held accountable to dispense a modicum of justice for the terribly victimized global human population and to ratify and codify internationally the DOCTRINE OF INVIOLABILITY (INALIENABILITY) OF THE GOD-GIVEN, INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNIZED AND CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED (PROTECTED) FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS OF EVERY PERSON IN ORDER TO DETER CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY IN THE FUTURE!!!


God save humanity from the Tyranny of Satanism!! Amen!!!




Ebipamone N. Nanakumo


Dated: 31st of March 2022



Ebipamone N. Nanakumo, a medical doctor by professional training, is a Servant and Messenger of God called to testify of God to all nations, kingdoms, peoples and rulers of the world; to clarify all doubts about God and emphasize God’s sovereign lordship of the universe; to engender righteousness and faith in humanity, avert the Wrath of God and bring God’s glorious salvation to all mankind. Ebipamone N. Nanakumo can be reached by email at: and can be followed on Facebook @, on twitter @MessageFromGod3 and on @ Dr. Ebipamone N. Nanakumo (@Servant_and_Messenger_of_God) / Gab Social. For further details, please visit the Message from The Creator Website:

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